ANG6750 Digital Humanities
Summer 2013

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This course will be an introduction to Digital Humanities. Students will read and discuss in detail Matthew K. Gold’s collection of essays Debates in the Digital Humanities (University of Minnesota Press, 2012; open-access edition 2013). In their introduction to A Companion to Digital Humanities (Blackwell, 2004), the editors Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth write:

This collection marks a turning point in the field of digital humanities: for the first time, a wide range of theorists and practitioners, those who have been active in the field for decades, and those recently involved, disciplinary experts, computer scientists, and library and information studies specialists, have been brought together to consider digital humanities as a discipline in its own right, as well as to reflect on how it relates to areas of traditional humanities scholarship.

This course will consider the various aspects of Digital Humanities, its emergence as a discipline, its increased visibility and popularity beyond academe, and its usefulness for students engaged in more traditional literary study.




(Please note that this intensive summer class will meet for four hours twice a week.)

Ce contenu a été mis à jour le 7 septembre 2016 à 10 h 01 min.