ANG1750 Science-Fiction and FantasyWinter 2021
This course will explore the intersection of fantasy and science fiction to engage with gender representations and popular culture. The latter has a fraught place in academe, with its potentially derogative qualitative label on works of literature and other media (the so-called ‘high’ and ‘low’ labels). Students will be exposed to a range of writings from 1818 to the present in a critical framework that includes cultural studies, new media studies, and gender studies. Discussions will also include the parodic elements inherent in popular culture. Finally, all the works considered in this course will demonstrate how popular culture constantly engages with contemporary historical and political issues. Examinations will cover both literary texts and films. Students should note that some of the works under consideration in this class contain explicit scenes of violence and sexuality.
- 3 literary assignments: 75% (3 x 25%)
- 3 TV and film assignments: 15% (3 x 5%)
- One question for Vigneault’s lecture: 10%
- Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)
- William Gibson, Neuromancer (1984)
- Alan Moore and David Gibbon, Watchmen (1985)
- John Scalzi, RedShirts (2012)
- Margaret Atwood, The Testament (2020)
- François Vigneault, Titan (2020).
- 18/01: Introduction (Slides)
- 25/01: Viewing: Ghost in the Shell, Star Trek: The Next Generation: “Elementary, Dear Data” (2.3), and Star Trek: The Next Generation: “Ship in a Bottle” (6.12)
- 01/02: Frankenstein (slides)
- 08/02: Viewing: The Matrix and The Matrix Reloaded
- 15/02: Neuromancer (slides)
- 22/02: Literary assignment #1
- 01/03: Reading week / Viewing: Groundhog Day, Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along-Blog and The Titans: “Titans” (1.1)
- 08/03: Watchmen (slides)
- 15/03: Viewing: Star Trek: The Original Series: “The Corbomite Maneuver” (1.11), Star Trek: The Original Series: “A Taste of Armageddon” (1.24), and Black Mirror: “USS Callister” (4.1)
- 22/03: Redshirts (slides)
- 29/03: Literary assignment #2
- 05/04: Bank holiday / Viewing: Black Mirror: “The Entire History of You” (1.3), “Nosedive” (3.1) and “Hang the DJ” (4.4)
- 12/04: The Testament (Guest-lecture by Gabriella Machado)
- 19/04: Titan (Guest-lecture by the author François Vigneault)
- 26/04: Literary assignment #3
Plagiarism – the stealing or “borrowing” of another person’s written work and passing it off as one’s own – is a very serious academic offence.
Plagiarism occurs when:
- the work submitted was done, in whole or in part, by an individual other than the one submitting or presenting the work;
- an entire work (e.g., an essay), is copied from another source, or parts of the work are taken from another source without explicit reference to the author;
- an essay copies a sentence or paragraph of another work with minor variations.
Plagiarism occurs not only when direct quotations are taken from a source without explicit acknowledgement, but also when original ideas from the source are not acknowledged. A bibliography or “works cited” is insufficient to establish which portions of the student’s work are taken from external sources; formal modes of citation (i.e., page numbers and the author’s name in parenthetical references) must be used for this purpose.
Professors are required to report all cases of plagiarism to the Dean. The minimal disciplinary measure for cases of plagiarism is an F on the assignment, essay, or exam. Further measures can include an F in the course, suspension from the Faculty, and even the requirement to withdraw from the University.
If you are unclear on the definition of plagiarism or you are unsure about how to avoid it, please do not hesitate to ask you professor. Ignorance is not a valid defense.
Here is the version from the Université de Montréal, with a link to some resources for students:
Problèmes liés à la gestion du temps, ignorance des droits d’auteur, crainte de l’échec, désir d’égaliser les chances de réussite des autres – aucune de ces raisons n’est suffisante pour justifier la fraude ou le plagiat. Qu’il soit pratiqué intentionnellement, par insouciance ou par négligence, le plagiat peut entraîner un échec, la suspension, l’exclusion du programme, voire même un renvoi de l’université. Il peut aussi avoir des conséquences directes sur la vie professionnelle future. Plagier ne vaut donc pas la peine !Le plagiat ne se limite pas à copier-coller ou à regarder la copie d’un collègue. Il existe diverses formes de manquement à l’intégrité, de fraude et de plagiat. En voici quelques exemples :– Dans les travaux : Copier un texte trouvé sur Internet sans le mettre entre guillemets et sans citer sa source ; Soumettre le même travail dans deux cours (autoplagiat) ; Inventer des faits ou des sources d’information ; Obtenir de l’aide non autorisée pour réaliser un travail.– Lors des examens : Utiliser des sources d’information non autorisées pendant l’examen ; Regarder les réponses d’une autre personne pendant l’examen ; S’identifier faussement comme un étudiant du cours.
This content has been updated on March 22, 2021 at 20 h 19 min.