ANG1755 Vampires in Film and Literature
Winter 2004


This course will consider the development of Vampire literature, from one of its early manifestations in Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s 1816 poem ‘Christabel’ and John Polidori’s 1819 short story ‘The Vampyre’ to Christopher Moore’s 1995 humorous novel Bloodsucking Fiends. Students will be introduced to an incredible diversity of texts and films that will allow for lively discussion of the range of issues that are to be found in Vampire literature. Indeed, the diversity of vampire lore underscores its richness for analysis, including themes related to sexuality (particularly homosexuality), disease, social class, and death. The spectrum of works under consideration will broaden the students’ perspective on the theme of Vampires and its literary and sociological influence on other works and contemporary society at large. As the title of this course indicates, students will be required to attend screenings of several films on top of the reading listed below. Examinations will be on both literary texts and films. Students should note that the works under consideration in this class contain explicit scenes of violence and sexuality.


Students not enrolled in a program in the English department are allowed to submit their written works in French. (Les étudiants non inscrits dans un programme du département d’études anglaises sont autorisés à soumettre leurs travaux en français.)

Works Studied:

This content has been updated on January 4, 2020 at 21 h 26 min.